Five minutes past two early Saturday morning after a two-hour nap, an episode of Survivor: Heroes vs Villains, a bit of memorisation of choir songs with earphones and handphone in hand -- hardly the right time to blog no?
So I just want to ping (!) this blog, say that despite the monster tasks I'm juggling right now,
I'm actually all right; say that I'm 24 now, and feeling good about it, feeling like it's time to open up and do new and better things, feeling like it's a perfect time to grow; say that February is still my favourite month, say that I'm feeling incredibly loved by family and friends and colleagues, and that I am supremely grateful for it.
As Louis Armstrong says, friends shaking hands really mean them saying 'I love you'. I hope even if I'm not always the explicit 'I love you and appreciate you a lot' type (except maybe when I'm drunk haha you know who you are), I hope the message of the L word (two instances of it in a paragraph is enough!) and gratitude and appreciation is sent across in various subtle sexy ways. Haha I just had to add 'sexy' there. Ping? Ping!
My status message on Facebook yesterday, 'I think my heart my explode', generated quite some comments among my friends. Haha I'm all right guys, not quite with a cardiac problem, not quite romancing anyone too, for the record. Like I explained in the comment thread, it's actually a line in a Justin Timberlake song, Bigger than the World, that was momentarily stuck in my head. Sweet song too, although it was written for this girl.
What I want to say in all this rambling really is that when I think of exploding hearts, I think of this 'Across the Universe' image:
It's the movie based on the Beatles song (which I haven't watched though), and while I suspect the image has to do with a heart that somewhat resembles a strawberry (Strawberry Fields Forever!), I still like to think it's about a heart that simply cannot contain the sheer gravity of feeling, whatever that is. And so it explodes into a bloody glorious mess. (Mentally I type and read that last sentence with the British accent I've been playing around with randomly) And while I'm on a roll with the random music references, let me quote a Simply Red song: Ain't that a lot of love for one heart to hold?
And that's my heart's condition right now -- happy, stressed, happy, stressed, happy. Oscillating between the two. First half of February was an extended birthday celebration, second half on the other hand is crunchtime (lasting till mid-March). Come come let's do it, I'm all pumped up and raring to go.