Wipe that smirk off your face

For the record, Joseph is exhausted. He has been doing his part-time job (8 bucks an hour baby) at SELF for the past few afternoons, and been swamped by lectures and tutorials and editing The Ridge's September issue. Last night, he stayed at the statistics lab until past midnight to do his tutorial due at 8AM this morning (went to Computer Centre to print too at 720AM). Turns out all his answers were wrong! Man, they weren't kidding when they named the module Computer Intensive Statistical Methods.

Back-to-back lectures and tutorials today, and you know the feeling of pretending to follow the prof when you actually don't? The feeling of trying to look smart and well, hoping like hell that he wouldn't call you to answer? Dr Gan of my ST3235 Statistical Quality Control class singled me out today, asking me why my face wasn't among the class roster photos he printed out. See, he randomly calls people to participate and answer his questions. Haha but he's a nice guy, and he didn't call me to answer any of the tutorial questions. Yay. I'll buy the textbook tomorrow and be a good student and read the readings during the weekend.

Lunched with a pissed Paul at Bizad. Haha. Whoops not my fault your phone died on you man.:) Strange how he's a Pinoy here in NUS and I met him only this year. He reminds me a lot of one of my favorite cousins. The jokingly annoying kind. Got soaked in the rain on the way to SELF for my afternoon duty. Shared a good laugh with Ms Chan, the nice spunky lady who's my boss, and who was my lecturer for GEM1008 Evaluating Academic Arguments a few sems back. (I got A- for that module too.=P) Talked with YS online during a lull at SELF. Haha I'm incredibly happy for him. And for an online friendship, this one turned out pretty well.

I rushed off to conduct interviews for new writers for The Ridge at YIH after an early dinner. Gooooood stuff, never mind if by this time I was positively looking haggard and washed out from exhaustion (but of course still presentable). I actually like interviewing people. Too bad I won't be doing this much anytime soon. The interviewees visibly find me rather quirky (or OK weird or whatever because of my fast-talking and random rambling but it's fun la -- and I think it's called charm really LOL), but it's a good thing I have the 'up since 7AM' and 'high on coffee' and 'try doing statistics tutorials' excuses.:)

OK time's up time to go home. I've been here at the Computer Centre (again) in the hopes of doing my two statistics tutorials, but to no avail. But I'm still OK, I think I've gotten used to the long days and nights, and I still can't wipe the smirk off my face. Haha.

*OK after re-reading this post I realize maybe I should minimize my coffee intake. I sound hyper even for me. Hehe.

The Multiply No-Cross-Post Test

This is the Multiply No-Cross-Post Test.

Blah blah blah yada yada yada oooh wheee shoobidoowap

If this works, then I can get some reasonable degree of privacy after all.

Why did I cross-post some entries on Multiply again? Haha maybe I just got a little too giddy.

This is the end of the Multiply No-Cross-Post Test.

Nothing follows


It's a story of randomness, really, our lives. No matter how we think we've calculated our every move and figured out the trajectory of our course, we almost always end up with those little surprises, pleasant or nasty -- but for now let's focus on the good stuff. Partly because it's 4:06AM and I'm feeling reflective, and partly because Joseph is still high on Rachael Yamagata's lovely, lovely music.

Rachael's 2004 album is entitled Happenstance, and aside from it being awesome and dare-I-say-it sublime (haha Huai Zhi recently pointed out to me how some people use the word 'sublime' for no good reason, say to describe the WOMAD festival events, but of course I know better), it's just inspiring, really.

And I just love the title 'Happenstance'. It's an artsy way of describing a chance happening or event, or coincidence; it's the amalgamation of "happening" and "circumstance". And for a Statistics major and English Studies minor like me, the word is a product of two of my favorite things: creative wordplay and the brilliant idea of chance (or likelihood, or probability if you will).

* * *

Maybe I'm posting this because I'm pretty much caught off-guard right now. And that's a good thing, I suppose, because I'm still able to find some surprises in the increasingly routinary motions of University life, or, okay, life in general. Maybe it's being twenty-one, and wanting to jumpstart life like I've never done before, maybe it's the Final Year thing that gets me thinking about the imminent jobhunt or post-grad or the youth I'm not ready to let go of just yet. Or, maybe it's just the Honours Year Project, my undone labs and tutorials for the week, and the editing and writing for The Ridge. But I digress. What I'm really saying is that for all the bouts of blah-ness and sian-ness ('sian', pronounced /sien/ is Singlish for 'jaded'), I'm still up and about, on the lookout for my next pleasant surprise.

I pretty much thought I'd have the past few months and the coming ones figured out, from my internship, to NUS Choir, to Honours Year modules, to The Ridge, to my part-time job at SELF, and even to lunchmates and dinnermates and mugging-mates and friends, both offline and online, both in Singapore and in the Philippines. But I sit here and recount my experiences for the past few weeks, and realize that it's been an interesting leg in my as-yet destinationless journey. And that makes me smile.

* * *

I've had to loosen my grip and sever some ties, adjust my footing to secure my grounding, take back my unacknowledged outstretched hand, and yet I've also learned to look around, to hang on tightly to those I've taken for granted, to be more watchful of the things that have gone unnoticed or undiscovered for the longest time, to be patient and accepting of random junk hurled my way, and to be welcoming to new faces and friends and more surprises(!) as I take the plunge into as-yet untested waters.

* * *

It's 5:10AM, and this blog entry took an hour and four minutes to write! Quite unbelievable I realize, but since I rarely blog nowadays, I think it's time well spent (although yeah, I must learn to write faster).

I'm still smiling.

That Bloggin' Feelin'

Haha apparently I've lost it, that bloggin' feelin'.

I want to blog, really, and there have been more than enough events and sufficient flurry of emotional/physical/mental/even mathematical and statistical activity lately, that the Joseph of 2004 or 2005, would have blogged about instantly. But I dunno. Apparently, (cue music) I've lost that [bloggin'] feelin'. Kulit ko.

If I did blog, I would blog about choir, about moving out of Tower Block and into a double room at Old Kent Ridge, about my quirky (and thoroughly amusing) new Chinese roomie, using my dear sister's Mac iBook becasue my 5-year-old Compaq laptop is severely sick, my online chats with old friends, my gradual loss of contact with some other friends, the Pinoy meetup cum karaoke session where yours truly hogged the Magic Sing microphone, the Singapore Citizenship Ceremony the NUS Choir sang for at the Parliament House (we were on Channel News Asia for a few seconds!) and the subsequent big yummy buffet, followed by the fantastic fireworks we watched by the Esplanade Bridge (and the throw-up episode I had thanks to the buffet -- it was just too much for me to handle), my brief yet refreshing meet-up with my long-lost friend Richelle of my AJSS days back in '02 (she came over to Singapore for a few days thanks to the Storm & Flood Holidays in Manila), my Honours Year Project (on implied and realized volatility of high-frequency data pertaining to stock options), my maddening brain-twisting Level 4000 modules, and The Ridge and the long 302 research, and unfinished articles, and my part-time job at SELF (Self-Access English Learning Facility) and how I screwed up on the very first day yesterday.

Haha. I can't believe I'm just rattling off events now, instead of ranting or raving about them. Tell you what, why don't you, dear blog reader, talk to me in person or via MSN, or Gmail, or Yahoo Messenger, or Chikka, or M1 instead? I'll be most glad to talk. And listen. And ask about your day.

Am I rambling? Yes I am. And I haven't even talked about news from home, how our house was broken into and our PC and some items were stolen. Thank God everything is fine now.:D But I digress.

I think it's time to sleep now. And the music of Rachael Yamagata, Paolo Nutini, and Sunset Daze are still ringing in my head.:) Goodnight.

Make my day

It takes so little, actually. Joseph isn't hard to please.

Thank you to those who do it effortlessly. Who need not even do it consciously or with intent.
You make my day. And I am most thankful even if I don't spell it out.

* * *

Sigh. I wish Blogger could read my mind so I don't have to type out what's in my head. I miss blogging. I miss telling my friends and family what mind monsters I've recently killed and those that continue to haunt me. Let's talk soon, yeah?

Joseph is swimming in thoughts now -- of roommates, of friends, of online and offline friends, of Honours Year Project, of Carrots Consulting, of leaving and starting afresh. And the Philippines, of course. How I wish I were back home for a well-deserved breather.

Music of the Moment: Mat Kearney - Where We Gonna Go From Here
Currently feeling pensive.


One of the increasingly rare times I decide to make a blog entry, and after completing the bloody long post, it won't publish and I receive an error message from Blogger. And that's it. Poof. Gone.

Just great. And I thought the function that autosaves drafts works. Quite an emo post that was, and I'm not sure I have the energy to write it again. Oh well.

Apparently blogs are cathartic only when the message you want to get out of your system is actually out and published.

12:27AM and I think it's time to leave the Computer Centre and go back to the room.