Maybe I need a shrink

Preferably one who gives massages too, so I can shake off this soreness or tingling or aching in my back. Among other things. Restless again aren't you, Mr Joe? Blogging out of the blue, and during office hours, too much of a giveaway? Hohoho.

Stop overthinking, get some sleep, run more, sweat more. Mama reminded me of what she calls my 24.5th birthday. Happy (half-)birthday, Mr Joe, even if you don't think it's really worth remembering. Haha. Come to think of it, really, why don't I just get to 25 if only to make this quarter-life crisis official? My friend Arthur notes that at the rate I'm going now, it might as well be mid-life crisis. Well touche my friend!

Sometimes it's hard to be positive. I try. Sometimes when I think I'm perfectly rational and invincible, there's always something to burst my bubble.

Nah, maybe this is just the muscle soreness due to badminton yesterday. Or maybe the insomnia. Or the tummyache possibly caused by oyster omelette. Nah, Mr Joe, contrary to your suspicions, you're not experiencing a slow onset of depression, you're just imagining things as usual. Meanwhile, life goes on.