Keep your enemies closer
It's that sort of saying that supposed to be witty or funny, or it could possibly be straight out of the successful businessman-slash-corporate-player's handbook: Keep your friends close, but keep your enemies closer.
In the current state of mind I am in, I choose to interpret it as a quote that's in the same vein as "Familiarity breeds contempt." Enemies and friends are thus not disjoint entities, and hence friends can become enemies, precisely because they become far too close.
Friends are held close to the heart, and this precisely grants them the oppressive power they wield. They're given the opportunity to inflict the harshest pain because of their proximity. They could stab you if they want to, but we like to sweep that disturbing thought under the rug, and rely on that bright yellow sign that reads "FRIENDSHIP".
But the fact remains that friends can become enemies, however subversive and unthinkable the act of stabbing may be. Who do we trust really? Beats me.
Oh well. When life delivers a nasty surprise, sometimes we just shrug and accept the way the cookie crumbles.
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Haha! Semi-random thoughts. Don't worry guys, I'm OK! =P The Joseph is well and good and getting pumped up for the exams.
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Good news of the day: Of the four kilograms that Joseph lost during the Dark times of last semester, he has gained one kilo back! Good eating habits (sleeping habits are still screwed up though) helped quite a lot, so eat your bananas and apples and bread and eggs you guys!