
Results were out Friday -- I'll blog the details sometime else -- but yey Joseph's going for Honours Year! The grades were better than expected, and so Joseph is happy and thankful and will be blogging more about this the next time around.


OK I just have to add on something, because I fear it might be a while since I post.

It feels great to achieve something I've been working hard for. Really, it may not be much (others have much higher academic expectations of themselves), but I'm happy. I'm happy because the hard work paid off, because I don't have to make a surprise graduation this year, because people who matter to me are happy for me -- especially my family who I know have been praying hard for this. I thank my Dad and Ma too especially, who never doubted me, and who nonetheless reminded me that even if I didn't make it, it didn't matter.

I haven't been too prayerful lately, but one thing I always keep in mind is that the Man Upstairs has always been playing some mysterious role in the events in my life (and everyone else's), whether favorable to us or not. I don't know how much he nudged the factors and circumstances in this one, but thank You.

It's good to finally be able to sleep with one less disturbing thought in my head.:D Goodnight!


Korinna said...

YAY!!! Congratulations!!! Hala mag FYP / Heich-YP na tayo haha:)

fleeting mist said...


Final years na tayo!!!!!!!!

happy thesis here we come ^_^
yep, see you around!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

piggy said...

aaron joanne and kurien wishes you congrafrickentulations... anorexia bulimiosa!!!

aaron will love you another year mmmuah
joanne will miss you for the rest of her life.
kurien has no comments!

Anonymous said...

joseph! heyu! yay! year4! see you christmas! you owe me a really a great gift! :)