The last's are always remarkable stuff -- and you don't even have to go the emo route to at least acknowledge their significance.
I was thinking that since I'm halfway done with my finals, and I have two remaining exams in two days, I really should be doing some counting down of sorts. And making these last two exams significant one way or another. The last exams of my university days! The last exams as an undergraduate ever!
And now that I'm pouring my brain cells and time and energy -- my all essentially -- into these last two exams, I thought I might as well make it a little more significant, by, erm, offering these efforts to some people (No, it's not as cheesy as it sounds.)
Anyway, let me just for the record say that I'm offering all this tremendously tedious hard work to My Favourite People -- you know who you are. Or not. Haha, you're probably reading this (or not), but if you at least remotely think of me and hope for a second that I'll survive these trying times (not only mentally but physically -- I've begun to throw up again!), then most probably you're one of them.
Or even if you don't even know I'm struggling now, but if you so happen to impact me that I'm just fond of you, even if it doesn't show (either me being fond of you, and you being likable, or both), haha this one's for you as well.
Actually, My Favourite People has probably the loosest membership schemes in the universe, and you know me and you don't hate me enough, and I know you and I smile my silly smile when I meet you, then that's it. Lol.
Of course The Family is a shoo-in in this group, and I please hope you pray for me, Dad, Ma, Kai, and the Lola's, like you always do, as I think I'm gonna need a good dose of divine intervention in the next couple of days. Apparently, like my good Stats buddy Chang, I believe in good vibrations being passed around as well.
Sometimes I feel bad that I remember to pray the hardest during times like these, as if I've become reward-oriented and desperate. Still, I believe in divine help, and I know and trust the Big Man will help me get through these exciting times.
Two days, two exams, let's go.
Hi Partner. Let me share with you my favorite personal take-off from Ps. 23,1:
We prayed for you this morning, but especially at 5 this afternoon! God bless your studies!
We prayed for you this morning, but especially at 5 this afternoon! God bless your studies!
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