
I've been wanting to blog for the longest time, but I couldn't for some reason or another. I was walking to Old Chang Kee to buy a breakfast of sorts on my way to the bus stop, where I'd wait for my ride to the MRT station (where in turn I'll take a train to the office), when the thought struck again: Blog tonight.

Now after a long day at the office, heavy choir practice as soon as I arrived in the evening (no dinner too until 9:30PM), and an embarrassing one-on-one session with Adyll, our student conductor, I cannot quite bring myself to write a decent entry.

I can tell you what's bugging me though: the examination results will be out tomorrow. From seven o'clock in the evening they'll be up online. Oh man, am I scared. It's make or break, and I'm just so freakin' restless I think I'm even getting cranky already. And I really mean make-or-break, as in if I screw up, I don't get into Honours Year next year, and I'll be forced to graduate in July 2007, instead of July 2008.

Say a quick prayer for me please? Or if you don't pray much, just send me all your good vibes yeah? Thanks.

I'll probably be at the office to check my results. The officemates are planning a night-out, and we interns, I believe, are invited as well, but of course I may just pass if the big news I'll be getting isn't quite worth celebrating.

Anyway I'm now restless, in more ways than one (get it? GET IT?), and I think I'll iron my workclothes and catch some sleep. Goodnight.


Korinna said...

hey il be praying for you... onga, in a few hours the results will be out for me too...heeeeee

Joseph said...

thanks kor! glad to know your grades are OK too! ingat sa grand canyon k! see ya soon!