I'm in bed again. Blogging. Sort of.
Kinda cool, isn't it? Now this blog's really turning out to be a diary of sorts.

Anyway, I had quite an experience today. I basically just embarrassed myself in the mall. And the PAL office, and in the jeeps I rode. See, I dragged myself out of the house in the afternoon, so I could settle my PAL stuff: my student discount card, and the Mabuhay Miles. I rode into the jeepney still wondering how much REALLY REALLY is the fare from the corner to Claveria Street. I almost had myself convinced it was P5.20, when this rather irritable driver charged my fellow passenger P7.50. So that's P6.00 for a student like me. That's what I paid, just the same. A kind and cheerful driver a few days ago only charged me five bucks. Sige lang.

I reached the office, settled my stuff, and rode another jeep to Gaisano Mall. The lady guard, aside from doing the usual "kapkap", also gave me a sudden "kuhit" in the chest. (Haha, now I'm beginning to sound conyo) I half-ignored it, and was walking ahead when she called out, "Baliskad t-shirt nimo" ("Baliktad t-shirt mo").
Flustered, I gave my inside-out blue striped shirt a quick glance, the shirt I'd been wearing in the jeeps and in the PAL office where a rather unfriendly lady attended to me (maybe it was the shirt?!), managed a feeble smile,
said thanks, and walked away from the small crowd of people taking long strides.

A trip to the men's room later, and wearing my shirt the right way this time, I bought a dual-SIM attachment (the old one screwed itself up) at the mall for my 7210, so I could alternately use my M1 and Globe SIMs when I'm in Singapore. So again, here's another reminder to my friends in Pinas: YOU CAN TEXT ME AT MY SAME GLOBE NUMBER EVEN WHEN I'M IN SINGAPURA NA. PISO LANG DIN KASI ROAMING. ;)
Ha. Ang kulit ko talaga. I remember broadcasting that same message last time I left. and the other time too. Hehe.


Nothing interesting much to see at the mall, but perhaps that was only due to a certain foreboding that this wasn't such a nice day to do most anything. I rode another jeep, dropped off at Ponciano Street, and entered this small shopping center that would lead me to the road across, where I intended to have my old 3210 repaired. Gaisano Center was rather cramped, and the paths to which departments were all a mess. I finally saw this open door that revealed a small "EXIT" sign posted on the wall.

Relieved, I entered it, revealing a narrow hallway where the floor and walls were of unpainted cement. Steps led down, and it was rather dim and dingy. My smarter self told me that I'd never seen this passage before and thus should turn back, but my logical self reasoned that EXIT nga raw sabi eh.

A few steps down and a saleslady came into view. Near her, a salesboy was eating what seemed to be a very late lunch in his baunan. It was the employees' quarters of sorts. Not daring to run up the steps immediately when I'd already been seen, I asked her the exit leading to Claveria was, and true enough, it was back up the stairs, where it was more lighted and um, clean. I started up the stairs, and could distinctly hear the salesboy chuckling, the saleslady telling him not to laugh, but was herself stifling a giggle.


I had my 3210 fixed, managed a small act of pretending I didn't have enough cash (which was really SORT OF true.. out of allotted budget), and had my old 3210 repaired and its LCD replaced for 300 bucks, instead of 400, or the later tawad of 350.

What do you know.. the jeep I rode on the way home overheated, and had to pull over TWICE.

And my uncle's computer was so darn slow I couldn't work on some blog stuff pa. Right when it's about to get "published" finally after a long long wait, it manages to disconnect. Great. Oh well.

Buti na lang I'm not the type who goes ballistic over such misfortunes and blunders.
I'm made of tougher, and need i say THICKER, stuff. Hah.

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