Time to think

For the record, I'm tired of overthinking.

But this is the time to think. Time to think about the friendship (its nature and complexities), organizations (how it sometimes brings people together, sometimes breaks them apart), honours year project (and how to make it exist), work (and colleagues and towering buildings and lunch hours), what-ifs (keeping in mind the butterfly effect), issues (social and personal and how they inevitably meld), events (the big ones like the Pattaya competition and the little ones we tend to overlook), the bigger picture and the finer details.

Yes, this is the time to think. And it's perfect that this directly translates into my precious "me time".

Goodnight world, all my good vibes to you, special mention to those I've been missing lately.


chicken! said...

juju time! marshmallows, jujus and manana. some more portuguese for you. i miss you lots too. tough love, eh?

fleeting mist said...


hai!!!!!!!!!! we should meet and catch up ya know.

you have been my classmate for 5 loong years but why do i feel like i havent seen you for ten years?

hahaha =)

uy, kitakits ha!