Time to say goodbye

Time to say goodbye

As if on cue, the very 'operatic' Time To Say Goodbye by Andrea Bocelli and Sarah Brightman plays on my Windows Media Player. Sigh. What a fitting end to the most difficult semester of my life.

I just finished my final exam for this sem, the one for the Actuarial Statistics module that had me tear at my hair over and over for the past months. Sucked. I declare it is humanly impossible to finish the six-question exam (with parts A and B too) in 2 hours. The formulas (or formulae?) were just too many, the constant reference to both my battered double-sided help sheet (or cheat sheet as we all call it) and the Life Table was dizzying, and on top of that, I was in my semi-bulimic mode perhaps because of the sleeplessness and stress.

Anyway, 6 exams down and the semester's over man. Lessons learned: taking 6 modules (2 Level 3000, 2 Level 2000, 2 Level 1000 from Science, Business, and Arts faculties) is insane. Be careful next time Jose. Maybe I should just take a few non-examinable modules so I can distribute the stress throughout the year. And yes, I shall never ever underestimate Level 3000 modules, AND that stupid killer calculus module MA1104 that isn't even part of my core modules but which I'm taking as a prerequisite for Financial Maths).

Ugh. fsdhilsafhuasldgfag'f;lghfsdg;h;. ljrg;hksdgihsdgjfogiouiser;

OK, where was I? Oh yeah, lessons learned. Think twice about taking 7 modules per sem, and whether I really want to fulfill my ambition plan of completing two minors.

Also, dear Jose, try try try to not fall in the same spreading-self-too-thin trap again. You been falling into the same trap for a few years now it's becoming a bit stupid. OK? :)

But if there's anything that's come out of this, it's that I'm more psychologically and mentally and emotionally ready for the biggest hurdle to come, Year 3. It's a big thing because it could determine whether I could qualify for Honours Year, Year 4. It's different here compared to the Philippines, because three years is deemed sufficient for a regular Bachelor's degree, while it's generally four years over there.

The other perk that has resulted from this mugging madness of late is that the Choir fellows are so much tighter now. My God, we studied for long hours every day together. Dunno if that's a good thing, because most of us muggers are in the Choir Commitee (both the executive comm and musico of 2005/06 and 06/07 too) and we've been lately been bashing each other (in a joking way of course), but I have no idea how that will affect our professional working relationships next sem, and in front of the new choir members too. Hmm.. oh well.

OK, exams are over and I don't wanna overthink matters anymore. Maybe next week. Maybe on May 26th (or is it 25th) when the exam results will be out. In the meantime, a few of us from choir's going to the Jurong Bird Park this afternoon, and while I'm not super-ecstatic-woohoo-I'm-so-thrilled, I'm sure it's gonna be fun. My first time there too. But mostly, it's just good to be out of NUS after a long time, to just chill and relax and get the exams and schoolwork off my mind.

P.S. This was saved as a draft for the longest time, as I had originally written this entry on May 4th (unfinished), and I'm only posting it up today, May 14th.