Library Boy
OK, maybe that last post was a bit over the top. Nah, not really, goes my inner Gollum.
Just the same, before my folks panic and send me more words of encouragement (and remind me to watch my language too), and just so I wouldn't freak out some people by seemingly branding them lurkers or noisy moviemates or librarymates when I don't mean them them anyway, or at least, placing them at the receiving end of my random spurts of hatred, I'm posting this post so that that incriminating post will be reduced to runner-up position.
Yeah, that, and to simply just say that I'm not angry with the world, even if that outburst seemed to point in that direction. If you fear you're a lurker, then by all means, please continue to email or send me private comments. Haha, but really, thanks to those who outed themselves. Some didn't have to, really, because yep we're cool. :)
What's the point of this post again? Ahh.. yes. Just so I could post my wonderful library pic. Thanks to Ferron and his trusty camera phone as usual.
Ain't I cute in the pic? Haha, yes... the dorky, cheap-thrill, kiddie sort of "cute" though. Not exactly what every nineteen-year-old wants to look like eh? Blurgh, it's still cute what.
Medical Library rocks. (And I am such a dork. Hopefully this will translate to good grades though!)