hello there bloggie.
it may seem like i didn't work on you today (or rather yesterday, since it's past midnight already),
as i didn't post anything for the whole cyberspace to see (nah, i don't even broadcast my blog address yet).
but mind you, i did do blogwork! :)
my achievements of the day (or yesterday):
1) we moved!
yes, you bloggie, and i your dutiful master, have moved to our new home: blogspot.
Blog-city was a good place indeed: user-friendly and with an appealing interface,
but it simply would not allow photos. oh well. here at blogspot, i feel that our needs will be attended to.
all for our own aesthetic glory! bwahahahaha!
2) i spent hours creating the new image!
it may seem, my dear bloggie, that not much content has been added, but it is only so because i worked "backstage" today. i killed hours of my lunchtime (i had lunch at 3:30pm!)and naptime to search for cool images at www.blogskins.com, till i finally decided i'd take this template with a starry, nightsky feel.
i had to consult romel regarding photos and servers, and wayne dell for html programming stuff.
my work may not be fully finished, but wait till photobucket sends me the email i need to confirm my account...then we'll have photos!
3) i painstakingly edited my blogs again!
well, "moving" does not only mean a physical transfer of my blogs. i had to edit you, bloggie, all of the blogs that compose you, so they look pleasant in our new home. so that the new environment suits you well. you see, blogspot requires more html knowledge, but the appearance is better, right?
i worked behind-the-scenes, and now, with this new blog, i'm a star actor onstage as well.
if there's a complaint i have 'bout blogspot though, it is that the webpage doesn't show characters like é (i'm sure you won't see this character when this gets posted, but it's the "e" in "touche" and "cafe"), and the ñ (that's the spanish(?) "n" in "cono" and "pina" as in pineapple, and "soroNgon").
but what the heck. the perks eclipse the little flaws.
happy new home, bloggie.
just had e-block supper at 10:30 today.
i was with xaypanya, navuth, and this new chinese friend lavender.
that's his english name, obviously, and his chinese name sounds like "lee bow".
argh. i really want to learn to speak mandarin!
i think it would be cool. ;P
i'm taking mandarin class next sem with karen and ivy (i think), but for now i'll have to wait.
i don't mind much, really. =)