hahaha. i just discovered how to add music to the blog!
nice. now i can listen, and you too, dear reader, to a rare live version of
jason mraz's "sleep all day". just sweeeeeeeeet.
(well if you don't like it, just turn off your speakers, right? :P )

thanks again to the master blogger, romel.
you see, he's one of those who influenced me to blog in the first place,
and was the one who helped me set up this blog.
especially blog essentials and luxuries from blogger to blogskins to photobucket, and to stuff that i just discovered by spying on his blog (wahahaha) like the oh-so-necessary tag-board, my cleverly-hidden sitemeter (guess where it is! actually i don't know too..LOL), and my newest addition: powerwebmusic.

thanks! and you'd be delighted to know that i have influenced some 2 or 3 people to blog na rin, or at least, update their blogs! wahahahaha. shempre, i work darn hard to make this look good. ;)

i just hope the content's not too bad, too. hahaha fishing ba? =)