Back when zits were unheard of, when schoolwork was only for "grown-ups", when all that mattered was playing and eating and sleeping.

I miss Davao. And Mama and Daddy and Kai and my two Lolas.
Oh, and that's the same car in which I was born that fateful night. ;)
And yeaaaaaaah, the leche flan tasted grrrreat! And that's according to my taste testers Korinna (who brought a whole saucer to her room too), Ivy, Robs. And it's approved too by Indonesian, Indian, Singaporean, Chinese, Malaysian tastebuds! Haha, the IRC members enjoyed the dessert sample I brought during the meeting.
Too bad I can't eat too much, as I've just caught a cold and got a bad case of sore throat, causing me to cough and sneeze in all my lectures and tutorials (blame the aircon and the weather). And the headache, grrr. I doubt if I still can sing for KR Choir during NUS Open House tomorrow.
But all's well so far. I'm gonna bulldoze my way through this mountain of schoolwork and hallwork, and it'll all be super in the end. Cheers.