

Sometimes I think I'm becoming predictable.. like this blog entry. OF COURSE after the last post you'd expect me to say I'm okay now and I accept things already and all. Bingo. Yeah I'm okay now. I think. Of course I'd be okay.

At least, that's what my conscious self tells me. Although for a few days after Friday, I was seriously anti-Italy and everything Italian. The choir had a recording of the NUS Centennial Song, NUS Forever (yes that's the title), last Friday, and after the 3-hour session, the composer Dr Ho treated us to, of all food, pizza! That would've been nice (terrific even) in other occasions, but as I was chewing on the pizza, it hit me. I'm boycotting Italian food (my favorite too) the very next day. During our voice class on Monday, our voice tutor Auntie Mary was discussing some music terms like rubato and passagio and falsetto.. and now that she mentioned it, yeah these words were Italian! Hmph. And as I was watching Miss Universe last night on TV mobile in the bus, when Miss Italy introduced herself, I was rolling my eyes, knowing that beyond her put-on smile she's a bitch deep inside like those embassy tramps, and was half-hoping she'd walk home empty-handed. And she did. Hehe. Haha sorry I'm just human. I can't help it!

But today's Wednesday already, almost a week after Friday, and I realize that getting bitter for too long is pointless. Thanks Ma for the encouraging emails too! Although well, sometimes I still space out in long bus rides and think of the gondolas and authentic Italian pizza and the Colosseum and the museums and the Tower of Pisa.. yeah you get the picture. But I can leaf through my rejected documents now without getting angry or depressed, and that's a start.

So Prague it is for me. I've talked to Choir VP Iris and she's currently discussing with the travel agent for me to stay in Prague for 3 days, until June 15th. I was checking out the brochures on Czech republic, and seriously, Prague is lovely. Choir President Keng Khoon and his GF Michelle, the soprano section leader, are Malaysians, and they can freely travel Europe if they wanted to without the need for a Visa, but they're sticking it with Prague until the 17th. I asked Michelle why, and she said that Prague is just beautiful and she wanted to explore it slowly, and not get into city-hopping rush. That's a good point, really, and I'm now taking a closer look at Prague and finding that the castles and chateaux and pilgrimage sites are just picturesque, to say the least. So it's gonna be a good holiday after all. Hopefully we do well in the competition in Olomouc so we'll be in better spirits to enjoy our respective extension trips.

Oh yeah, two of my Chinese fellow choristers' Visa applications were rejected as well. The other was held up for the same reason I was, because she was a minor and the Italian embassy demanded her folks go to a faraway city where a European embassy is located. Her boyfriend was denied the Visa too, but for a different reason. He's not a minor and there's an embassy in his home city Shanghai, but the problem was that he's a full-time student whose source of income is his parents, and for that he needs his folks' bank accounts. Sigh, I feel for them. I can't help but think that if given enough time, we could've settled everything and gotten our Visas. Now I'm still waiting for the confirmation of my rescheduled flight.. and the sky-high surcharges that may come with it.

But Hey Jude (the Beatles original and some a cappella and symphony orchestra versions) has been playing in my head and in my Windows Media Player lately, and it's making me feel better. Really, we just have to take a sad song and make it better. :)