

This morning NUS kickstarted (more like ushered in) the year-long Centennial celebrations with a bang. It was not a BANG (you know what I mean), but it was pleasant, nonetheless. The spanking new University building is the coolest thing, though. I wished they worked out the programme better, though. My fellas and I from the NUS Choir were there to sing, with the oldies' NUSS choir, the NUS Centennial song entitled NUS Forever.

Sigh. I could comment a whole lot on the thing, but let's just say that the oldies' were very late, and for a while, since there were only three NUSS folks around (others yet to arrive) when we left the holding room, we thought that only the NUS Choir would sing. The rest of the NUSSers finally arrived in the nick of time, but the conductor was yet to arrive. Wei wei, our student conductor, agreed to fill in, and all seemed okay. And then Ms Chan, the conductor surprised us all by popping out of nowhere while we were already onstage. Wei Wei had thought better than to pop onstage when we were already lined up. It made sense, for the choir as a whole, and it showed his gentlemanly self, but unfortunately for us, he wasn't able to sing.

Anyway, it was the most exciting performance ever. Let's leave it at that. NUS Choir will sing at the Freshman Inauguration Ceremony, and we'll do good. :D

The food was terrific. Ah, glorious even. I shook the hand of Dr William Tan, the paraplegic who ran amazing marathons in ten countries in seven continents or something. Haha, but he's a really nice guy, and he's on the Guinness Book of World Records. He signed my Centennial hardbound book freebie too. He recognized me from the choir maybe from my white shirt and black coat, and he smilingly said the singing was "tremendous!" I could tell he liked the performance by the sincerity of his greeting, but hmm.. I'm glad he did. I told the story to our funky tenor Huai Zhi, and he burst out laughing. He later pointed out that "tremendous" can mean, tremendously good or tremendously bad. Hah. And oh yeah, I was about to tell Dr Tan that he strongly reminded me of Christopher Reeve: wheelchair, specs, pleasant Clark Kent face and for a Guiness title holder marathon man, he ought to be made of Superman steel. I thought against it, as well, we know what happened to Christopher Reeve.

Anyway, long story now.

My point really, based on the title. I'll be home soon. Mama says I'll have to travel light, and you know I never ever did that. It takes me weeks to pack my stuff (overpack more like it), but I feel that travelling light will be an even bigger burden. Anyway, I'm off to the airport after dinner tonight, sleep over to catch the 7AM Tiger Airways flight to Clark, in Pampanga. Then I'll be off to Manila, then I'll take the bus to Los Banos, Laguna to check with my sister and bunk with Jay.

Haha I'm excited, but I'm feeling more of lethargy right now. I loathe packing. I'll see you again in a month's time, Singapore. Hello Philippines. Haha hello Garci too. Finally I'll figure out the presidential scandal. Ciao!