Think BIG!

Think BIG!

Calvin & Hobbes is my new favorite comic strip. And possibly, new blog mascot? (I love you Peanuts gang no less, though)

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Calvin & Hobbes is just adorable. Calvin is the mischievous little boy, and Hobbes is the advice-dispensing stuffed toy tiger who comes to life only to Calvin. And if you don't think the comic strip is brilliant and a notch above the rest after reading this (from which I ripped the strip too), I don't know what else will convince you.

I used to like C&H because of the cool and crazy designs, which I use as my avatar and display pic in forums, but recently I've learned that this Bill Waterson creation is more than just artwork. It sends brain food too, although it doesn't feel the need to be didactic in the pristinely righteous sort of way. Unlike other naughty kids of cartoons, like Dennis the Menace, Calvin is established as a smart boy who just wantonly acts like an asshole sometimes. Haha, kinda like me.

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I've been thinking of a new blog layout and template with C&H, but it's quite complicated. Let's see what happens. Click the link above and enjoy 25 great C&H strips!

Music of the Moment: Arkarna's Life is Free
Currently feeling nocturnal.