I sit in my chair here in my room and stare at my calendar. I am, again, like so many times before, swamped.
Sometimes I wish there was more of me to go around: someone to do read up on my intensive Statistics lessons, someone to read up on Calculus, someone to do my stuff for the English group project, someone to go to CFA (for a good two hours) and photocopy hundreds of pages of scores for the Choir, someone to be Bass SL for KR Choir and fix the pitching and timing of the rest of the bassos.
And it's supposed to be mid-term break.
Anyway, it's supposed to be a happy September because, well, it's unofficially Christmas season already in the Philippines, and the going-home part will be soon! But yeah, before the going-home comes the crazy-mugging and taking-tests-and-exams part, so it's... well, like that lor. Sigh.
In other news, I got Dad his stylus already! He lost the stylus for his PDA, so finally I found a replacement. Our Managerial Econs homework is spankin' good! Great teammates I have. There's considerable progress in my Linguistics group project, and yep it's looking very nice. Ivy's Mom and a few relatives are here, and since they'll mostly be eating out, she gave me her other matric card for hall meals! Coolness.. double the food, double the fun (or fat)!
There's this thought hovering in my head actually. Something's got to give. I know I have to give up something soon.. by next sem or next year maybe? My plans of taking two minors (in Business and English Studies) is rather ambitious to the point of well, suicide, but I know it can be done. Then again, I hadn't anticipated ST2132 to be too much of a killer too.. what more the higher-level modules?
Anyway, I'm glad I'm still alive and awake and up and running. I am a happy guy, I like to think, and as long as I have good friends and a lurrrving family, I can't ask for much else. And oh yeah, thanks to Ferron and Nestor for the nice shirt they bought me from Thailand! Nice! Now to corner Karen and ask what treats she brought me from Indonesia haha..
OK, back to dork mode. Maybe I should follow Nirorn who has made a home out of the Hon Sui Sen Library, or Korinna to Nerdsville.
Studying is fun. Studying is fun. Studying is fun. Hopefully if we say it long enough, it will be true. But really, studying is fun.