With mine
For someone who's been tagged as the grammar police by some, I am disgusted with myself for screwing up my EL1101E midterm test. It's just linguistics, and I should know fffing better. The answer key has just been posted, and I have a feeling things aren't going in the right direction.
Next time I'll make sure I get enough sleep.
But really, does "with mine" sound correct to you? "With my friend" -> "with mine"? Ugh. I strongly disagreed with "with mine" because it sounds very off to me, but now that it's confirmed that such phrase is correct, my whole argument about something about word classes breaks down. Google tells me that even Bob Dylan has a song "I'll Keep It With Mine". Watda.
Sigh. It's even suckier to realize on one's own that with mine could very well be correct. Think "friend"="dog". I dunno, maybe the problem with me is that I am distracted by the fact that one can't really "own" a friend and call him/her "yours" or "mine". No, come to think of it, it's because "with my friend" is for me, better translated as "with her/him".
Anyway, so I've figured it out. Two dogs are before you, one is your dog and the other is your cousin's.Playtime comes, and it's ffing mandatory to indulge in canine-human activity. So, shall I play with mine or with my cousin's?
Blurgh. I myself just proved myself wrong.
I myself (intensive pronoun) just proved myself (reflexive pronoun) wrong. Haha. I am such a grammar dork.
Why I didn't flick on that lightbulb switch during the test last week still befuddles me. Perhaps I've been short-circuiting myself. In more ways than one. For much longer than I should.