Weekend Ramblings

Weekend Ramblings

Ah yes it's a glorious sunny weekend in Singapura and I am officially resting. This time I won't feel bad not working because all sorts of physical, mental, emotional activity drained the life out of me the past week. It was supposed to be two weeks after hell week already, but it sure felt like hell week all over again.

Not hell hell week actually. Hmm.. I was just So. Damn. Tired. But I was okay. The happy still-can-make-it kind of tired.

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Monday was ST2137 (Computer Aided Data Analysis) 2nd midterm test day. When asked by a few Pinoys how it went, I said it was OK lor. Karen thought that was a good sign, because my usual post-exam mood of late is one of bitterness and ego-bashing. OK lor. Hope the results turn out well.

It was an open-book test, too. And I think for tests of this kind, what one needs to do is to be sufficiently armed with the right tools. Tools that make sense to the examinee, of course. One has to sharpen these tools, and make them accessible. More tools, the better. Throw away the useless blunt ones.

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Tuesday we had my Managerial Econs group's 2nd case presentation, and we discussed two-part tariffs. It was weird because unlike our previous presentation some weeks back, nobody seemed to step up to the plate and take charge of collating and organizing the Powerpoint, or actually, more of piecing everything together to make the presentation, well, presentable. So I did it over the weekend, squeezing it in between my intensive mugging sessions for ST2137 test on Monday morning. Presentation turned out okay, too. My question was a bit on the tricky side, and I thought my argument, although very sensible and smart, had a resonable amount of BS (dunno how it could be smart and crappy but nobody seemed to question it.. no alternative answer I guess). Our tutor asked about it, he seemed to question some things on how I answered the question, but now I don't think he said it was wrong. He also didn't give any concrete right answer methinks. So it must be right!

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Oh, we finished our Calculus lecture on Tuesday too. Freaked out a bit because, well, it's finally over! No more excuse for Dr Wu to exclude some questions because we haven't discussed them yet. And that effectively means the students are supposed to know everything about Advanced Calculus II/Mathematical Analysis I by now. Gasp. That's a bit scary, if you ask me.

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Tuesday night I thought I could rest, but wooot, Wednesday was Tutorial Day, and I could not afford to screw up in probable presentation in our last tutorial for Calculus, nor in the required group presentation for ST2137 . So yeah I burned the midnight oil working on those. Slept before sunrise though, at 4:30AM! *faints*

So after back-to-back tutorials all morning on Wednesday, then came the tough part, the MAD assignment for St2132 Mathematical Statistics. WAAAAAAAAAAAH. It drove me, Diana and Kevin nuts. Kevin is this nice Year 4 Singaporean guy who's taking the same module Diana and I are taking. We've been working for our past 5 assignments together, but this one was the cruelest assignment yet.

The deadline was at 5pm, and we were mugging like crazy to solve the one number the assignment asked us. It was a two-part thingy, though, and we couldn't overcome the roadblocks. We finally arrived at answer, but it seemed too simple, and thus we couldn't go around finding a "smarter" answer. So we were about to submit at 4:30PM, and then Diana saw this guy who got perfect for the insane midterm test we took 2 weeks back (yeah the one I failed), and after she and Kevin ambushed (yeah that's the right term) him for comsultation while I tidied up my solutions, they headed back to the table and announced that we had to do part B all over, because by some twisted sort of magic, the distribution was supposed to suddenly turn up to be from Chi-Square. I seriously DUNNO how that could happen, but there they were, Diana and Kevin calculating like crazy, only to end up with a roadblock similar to the previous.

I was skeptical about going to the "Chi-Square route" because it basically ended nowhere, but maybe it could grant us partial credit, compared with the "Simple Answer Route", which although simple, it seemed somewhat logical and followed an example in the tutorial, and you can pinpoint an answer.

Anyway, I rushed to write something on the paper, and dropped our papers at Dr Chan's pigeonhole at 5:05PM.

Iris, choir VP, submitted her and her friends' papers after me, and together we rushed to Centre for the Arts for a talk by the new CFA Director at the CFA auditorium. KK, choir president, was kind enough to let us do our assignment, even if the talk was to start at 4PM. Haha, so Iris and I, arriving at 5:15PM just came for the reception. And what yummy reception too.

Then it was back to hall to SLEEP.

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OK, long enough entry. I'll tell you more about Thursday and MOMOMOMOMOMO(!) Friday and today as well sometime else.

Night. :P