Burden of Proof

Burden of Proof

I've always liked the phrase, "Burden of Proof". Blame it on the Estrada Impeachment Trial, where the Chief Justice emphasized that the "burden of proof lies in the prosecution, not the defense".

In any case, if you still don't believe that I sing in a choir (I still don't believe it too sometimes haha), here's some proof. (Or maybe you do believe, but I'll post this anyway bwahaha)

Kent Ridge Choir: In the KR Music Room after the Culture Night Performance (21.10.04)

The tenors of Kent Ridge Choir (most of them at least, some couldn't perform that night), who I struggle to sing with as I'm singing Bass 2 for NUS Choir.

The Kent Ridge Choir

We're shabbily dressed (at least the guys, since we were in the market scene in the play.. The girls were more dolled up since it was supposed to be a market in the 80's. I don't understand that connection very much though. Hehe.

NUS Choir: In the Holding Room (just a storage rooom really) of Exhibition Hall 602, Suntec Convention Centre after the PAP 50th Anniversary Dinner Performance (23.10.04)
That's the NUS Choir for you. Not everyone was free for the performance though, so we're not quite complete here. A guy was able to make it to the rehearsal in the afternoon, but since he didn't have a security pass, he couldn't perform in the actual thing. Anyway, on a more cheerful note, that guy who's blocking the front row, Keng Khoon, was the photographer and here he was rushing to get in the photo after setting the cameras. Suddenly the photo became more natural, don't you think?

I would've cropped and resized the photos if I had time, but I'm just so (supposedly) busy. Hehe. Hope this makes up for the absence of posts in the coming days (I'll try not to blog, I promise). Please pray for me for my tests! Cheers.