

My MSN nick reads, TicTacToe has got me quite cross X(.

Yep, that's the name of the program we're supposed to have done. I worked days and nights and late nights (last night I was at the Computer Centre till 1am since the URL loaded like the fastest sloth on my PC). Today, I was working all day and until the very last minute of the deadline, 12midnight.

We were tasked to create a TicTacToe Program that would run on 3 skill levels: Simple (a.k.a. Dumb), Random (a.k.a. Dumber-But-At-Least-It's Guessing), and Smart (a.k.a. SUPPOSEDLY Unbeatable).

This is my program. It's not unbeatable, but at least it passed 4 out of 6 test cases by the autograder. I hope I don't get penalized though, for style and design. If you know me, you'd know I'm not the logical, structured, organized thinker type. And this may very well be the last Programming module I will ever take.

But also, Anthony (our lab instructor with a PhD but who, like the rest of the faculty and staff, prefers to be called by his first name), stated that we need not aim to pass all 6 cases. 4 was enough, he said, but of course, it would have been jsut WONDERFUL to pass all six after the long bloody hours I've bloodily spent.

That's that. I'm supposed to have a Linear Algebra midterm test tomorrow (yes, while all you folks in the Philippines are nearing your sembreak!), but I think I'll go for the Tuesday test. STRICTLY speaking I should be in the Monday group, but since I attend the repeat lecture every Tuesday anyway (since Monday is Java LAB Day, SS Day, and NUS Choir and KR Choir Day). I hope Dr Roger Poh doesn't mind. (I didn't want to email him too, since he might tell me to go for tomorrow's 8am test, which I will quite possibly fail since I've been basically been breathing J-A-V-A the past week (and still I'm struggling to figure it out).

Tomorrow, I have three scheduled interviews for Hall Committees: Hall Promotion Board, Hall Production (Publicity) and Culture Management Unit. I'm working for hall stayback, so I sincerely hope I get into at least HPB and Hall Prod'n. I have choirs on top of them anyway, plus my stint in the Ridge Publication of NUS Stude's Union.

BTW, I'm not gonna be published for the October issue of the Ridge. Well not just yet. It's okay, really, since we all take our turns (I think). Besides, my fellow writers in the Outspoken Department are mostly from Arts, so they're of top calibre.

I'm unfortunately going to have to skip my NUS Choir practice tomorrow, but I'm sure they'll understand that three interviews cannot be rescheduled. What won't be cancelled for sure is the Programming Sit-in Lab at 11am! Woooohooo. I wish I do well. Singapore Studies at 2pm, something I've always been looking forward to. Like the banishment of TicTacToe from my spinning head. ;)