The Weekend
Thank God for weekends. Last week was a bumpy kick-off to the semester ahead, and I'm just mighty glad it's over.
Let me see. So I've been through all my new lectures and met my new lecturers, been outbidded over and over for FNA1002, went for Dinner Date with Carina (long story skipped), skipped my third Jam & Hop, unfortunately missed a submission of an article for the Ridge due to time constraints (can't write in 4 busy days), and my choir involvement, both in hall and in NUS, reached new heights. There are more, of course, including the bruises my ego has had to endure, the increased threshold of stress I'm pushing for, and of course, those just very happy and fulfilling moments that make everything else worth it. Yeah, all in a week.
It was after the NUS Choir's practice at grand and empty UCC Hall last night, past 9PM, that I realized something. Yan Ting our Student Conductor was telling the few people involved for the Timeless Classics performance about our upcoming events and practices, when I unknowingly decided to space out. She stopped and asked me, "Are you okay?" Yeah, I was.Just thinking and planning.
I was about to go to Jam & Hop after that, but Mey Ling the new KR Choir Vice-Chair SMSed to say that the seniors were to go for some sort of re-audition tonight with new Chair James. Not a re-audition exactly, but just some sort of voice check. I was glad I came down to the Music Room, and was glad that James, also the ex-KR A cappella Chair, and who auditioned me last year for KR Choir and KR Aca, seemed to noticed the year's improvement. "I see your time with NUS Choir has done your voice good." Or something like that. Thanks.
He said I was fit for Bass 1, but he might probably put me with the Tenors because of lack of manpower. After some piano-playing check, he asked if I'd want to be Tenor SL again. I hesitated, but said it was okay. And then came the question: Are you too busy? Hmm. I know that the bulk of my ECA time is spent with NUS Choir, and he was apparently referring to that. I try to make time for hall and school and NUS ECA's, but I have to admit I'm stretching myself a bit.
I went back to D block, to find Felicia headed for the laundry room. She asked my help on some secret project X, and I was up in her room till 1:30AM, helping her out. Good luck on your project Felicia!
As for me, my project for this weekend is to finally, finally, finally clean up my room.
And oh yeah, happy birthday to one of my favorite people, Kerwin, who's 21 today. Stay profoundly happy, you bastard. :)