Goodbye NUS Chika
I made a lengthy draft of what I really wanted to say here, but never mind, I'm tired and not in the mood to argue. Besides, like Korinna, I don't like blog wars too, as much as I sometimes get thrown into them.
I'll say stuff anyway, albeit mildly.
So, Mr. Moderator of the NUS Chika blog, next time, please tell me if you've received my multiple requests for removal of my blog, and not let me wait and wait as if you've never read them. This is my personal blog (at least I try my hardest to make it so), and, regardless of my reasons, however pointless or illogical they may seem, ultimately, you cannot refuse my decision to have my blog removed.
Please cancel my membership to the blog too (this is different from having the site feed removed) and I shall be happy and content.
I'll say it again, I hate posting stuff like this on my blog and creating bad vibrations and inviting negative energies, but I hope I'm making this blog as real and as personal as I can (but of course there are restrictions).
Enjoy your day, people. :)