I slept pretty badly last night. I fell asleep yet again, when I had planned to read a chapter in Biology. I also woke up at crazy hours during the night, only to find my laptop still up, the lights still on, but was still too lazy to drag myself out of the bed. Finally, I woke up at around 7:50am, forced myself to wash up, then headed for breakfast.
I had breakfast with two groups of people, my D block fellas Keith, Victor, Dominic, and later, my Malaysian friends Song, Loy Yong, and Jayston. It was a teeny bit awkward with my blockmates, especially when my good neighbor Keith went off, and Dominic wasn't in the mood to talk, but I managed to keep small talk anyway. Breakfast with the next batch of friends was more relaxed, as Song (from my OG Nixes) has this running game of "Coffee and Tea" (another of those no-brainer guessing games which has, until now, left me stumped), and Loy Yong (also from Nixes) and Jayston and I were together in the freshmen choir. Song was really nice and witty as usual, Loy Yong and I haven't seen each other for a while so it was good to say hi, and Jayston was complaining about the Nasi Lemak (but that's just the way he is).
What should greet me as I entered my room was this message received by my email client, POP Peeper:
From : Nurul HUda
Sent : Monday, August 16, 2004 8:28:31 AM
To :
Hey there Joseph,
I have read your article. I must say that it is pretty exciting. I am intrigued by the perspective that you have chosen. But you do realise that you have exceeded the word limit. I am very particular about word limits for I cannot allow writers to start writing mini novels due to our lack of space and my lack of patience. Furthermore, I would like to inform you that you have been chosen as a writer for the OUTSPOKEN DESK!
I was kidding about the word limit part ok! Hehe! Wanted to create suspense. ;)
Congratulations! I would love to have you writing for THE RIDGE and would like to inform you about the Welcome tea that will be held on the 2nd of sept. I will pass you the details at a later date and will send you an invitation to our OUTSPOKEN YAHOOGROUP! Hope to see you soon. Meanwhile, take care and start brainstorming on ideas!
Smiles, NuruL
Haha! Now I don't care if the NUS choir emails the results to me on Wednesday or not. In fact, I may just delete the message without reading it. (Okay, maybe I'll take a quick peek to see HOW they'll tell me I totally blew it :D )
I assume the next most logical thing to do (and maybe answer your unspoken question) is to post the article that I submitted for the Ridge. If you remember, that was the 304-word article I submitted at 2247 hrs when it was due 2300. I'll post it sometime soon. I have loads of reading to do and shouldn't really blog, but this was such a good morning to pass up.
Good morning everyone!