Thank God for the Music
Hey there. Another busy week, and I'm getting rather exhausted. Yesterday was a bad day for Java, as I did pretty badly for my assessed sit-in lab (where we were supposed to submit two programs at the end of the one-hour period), and now several deadlines are looming around, nagging me a little harder by the minute.
I couldn't do one program for the sit-in lab (at least on-the-spot) so I concentrated my efforts in making this ROT13 program, which changes the characters of a given string into new characters with + 13 value in the alphabet (try mapping 1-26 from A-Z), and it seemed to be working perfectly, but it turns out I only passed 4 out of the 6 secret test cases of the autograder. I could've submitted after the one-hour period, but then I'd get only a third of the full marks. Besides, in my haste and panic, I unknowingly used up my submission quota of 10. Oh well.
Later in my SS (SG Studies) module, we tackled this entertaining Singaporean play, Emily on Emerald Hill. It was a nice monodrama/monologue, and the first discussion by the tutor-turned-lecturer (who, btw, Brice, Bryan (Cu) and I thought was quite pretty), but what seemed to bother us more were the nearing quiz, and the deadline for the proposal for our Assignment 2 (which would constitute a good chunk of our grade since this module is non-examinable).
I went back to the hall feeling quite tired, and took a quick nap, while preparing myself for a looooong night ahead, as I had two choirs to attend in the evening, the NUS Choir until about 9:30pm, and the KR Choir from 10:30pm onwards.
The choirs required some effort from me and my lungs of course, but halfway through, I was getting more and more relaxed, which should've been quite ironic, actually. But apparently, singing music does wonders, especially since we sung particularly good songs tonight: Fly Me to the Moon, Kyrie, and the spine-tingling Prayer to St Francis (for NUS Choir), and Hear the Music and the cool and humorous Beatles classic When I'm 64 (KR Choir).
I had to strain my vocal chords though, since I was singing for Bass 2 in NUS, and Tenor for KR. I was worried about the high notes (since this was the first sectional practice for KR), but it turned out to be a falsetto-fest of sorts (for everyone of us too). Hehe.
I'm still swamped us as ever, but maybe I'll just sing my way through.