The love you give

The love you give

If you've just read the title and thought, "huh?!", lemme clarify. No I haven't suddenly found a valentine (nor I am searching for one, really), it's just one of those solemn moments when you're waiting for the bus at the bus stop after going to Church and you get all these random thoughts.

My not-so-random thought for tonight goes, the love you give is the love you receive. Yes that's a cliche (disclaimer!), and I'm pretty sure I've read or heard or seen it before but.. still. It's a simple truth really, which resembles the Golden Rule, or even the concept of Karma. You get what you give, the New Radicals sing. I speak of the (gasp) L-word now because, I dunno, I'm feeling particularly pleasant tonight? Or maybe the validity of the statement just occurred to me in my observation of things around? Or maybe I'm feeling a little more loved than I deserve to be? I'm not too sure myself. :)

But really, where did I hear that line? Too lazy to google.

I always get a good rush of thoughts every time I go to the Church at Clementi (more so if I'm alone), and tonight especially, was special as it's Ash Friday (although the Catholic Church doesn't want it called that). But it is "Ash Wednesday" on a Friday, as Wednesday was right smack on Chinese New Year, and the Church had to make that critical decision of rescheduling the Imposition of Ashes, so as not to hamper CNY celebrations of a country mostly peopled by Chinese (by race). Anyway, so Gelo, Gail, Michael, and Arthur and I attended the 7pm mass, while I alone proceeded with the Stations of the Cross afterwards.

* * *

Much to be thankful today, really. I rushed reading Pride and Prejudice yesterday (from late the previous evening to noon the next day), crammed a 800-pageword essay on poetry from the afternoon till well into the night (I struggled with trimming down the essay, until I finally gave up at around 820), woke up at 8:10am to miss 30 minutes of my Literature class, borrowed 4 RBR books from the Central Library (one after the other too) to finish up one half of the required assignment for my Evaluating Academic Arguments module. I had a tutorial, lunch with Ferron, quick cramming session again, finally my EAA class, where I narrowly escaped being asked to present the assignment (never mind if the half that I prepared for didn't come up!), and good Dr Ng Tze Beng thankfully did not ask us to present solutions for the Calculus problem set (I didn't have any due to sheer fatigue).

So there. Managed to get through the horrors of Friday, and it seemed but fitting that I ended the day on a more spiritual note by going to Church!

And here goes The Challenge of the next 40 days: NO MEAT AT ALL EVERY DAY. I thought it was only on Fridays, but Arthur seems willing to skip meat every day, so I offered to go with him. So it's gonna be fish and seafood and Yong Tau Foo and vegetarian food for us for the next month. I suddenly admire the Hindus and the Muslims for forever keeping faithful to their diet. :) Okay, so let's hope I don't fall into temptation!

* * *

Just when I thought my birthday was a thing of the past (though very recent), Korinna and Ivy and Brice and Nirorn and Navuth and Rotana treated me to triple ice cream with breakfast munchies Trix! Apparently the ice cream had been sitting pariently in the fridge, ever since I (of course with the help of the CNY holidays) foiled Kor and Ivy's birthday plans for me! I had some yummy dried mangoes, too, so it was nice. It was a surprise to me, really, this plan of theirs, as Kor ultimately led me to the rooftop under the pretense of me leading her around my block for a walk and talk. Haha. I was surprised all right, but not blown-away surprised since, well, my birthday's three days ago? Hehe. But with violent sincerity, THANKS again! Special thanks to masterminds Kor and Ivy!:D

* * *

Lots of stuff to do! And I'm blogging! Sigh. I was talking with the rest of the KR Pinoys over dinner, and seeing the rest eating chicken, launched a conversation about the sacrifices we'll do for Lent. I suggested to Robs that he quit playing NBA Live (which he once played for 16 hours in a day?) and cards (which the bridging kids + some seniors have been constantly playing, sometimes even till early morning). He thought it was unthinkable and impossible. I thought so too. ;)

But he snapped back, how about I try sacrificing blogging? Hmm.. that's a thought.

Music of the moment: New Radicals' You Get What You Give
Currently feeling unburdened.