

I like Februaries. They're special months. They bear this humble distinction from the rest (and it's not just about the number of days), and this aura of warmth and breeziness. It's almost like December, actually, except for that little fact that people tend to be partial to their birthday months. =P

We just had a terrrrrific KR Choir supper! Now I'm beat, filled to bursting (we played this number guessing game where the one who unfortunately gets it right has to eat the rest of an unfinished dish. I got "lucky" thrice, Sisca of Altos 4 times I think haha), and totally spent. Thanks tenors for turning up for the cooking of the chicken wings and the preparation of the mango ice tea! Yey, we totally unskilled cooks managed to produce decent, edible stuff! Woohooo.

My God, those fried chicken wings stressed me out! Up until last Saturday, no final plans were made yet. Nobody could cook, and good little SL Joseph had to take it into his hands lest them tenors came up empty-handed among the supper-loving choristers who had their dishes all planned.

So I woke up at 7am, had an early breakfast, had a quick nap, rushed to PGP at 9:30am to get some condiments from good ol' Karen, went back to hall, took a bus to Ginza Plaza, returned to hall at 11:30am. Then it was on to chickenwork! Forced chickens to thaw, sliced lemons and onions and garlic, mixed in soy sauce and pepper, and soaked all 2.5 kg of chicken wings. I was more of bathing the chickens actually, one at a time. I finished at 15 past noon, ran to my room to cram my GEM1008 argument-diagramming essay, finished at 12:45pm, and rushed to my 1pm class grabbing a ham and cheese croissant along the way (yum yum). Had an interesting class as usual, went back to hall, did some laundry, and took an hour-and-a-half nap. Woke up at 6pm, just in time to go up to the KR multi-purpose hall to cheer for KR in the Badminton Semis versus IHG champs Temasek. I finished the girls' matches, tapau-ed my dinner, and rushed to the kitchen, where it was cooking till 10pm. And then glorious supper! And then less-than-glorious but quite okay cleanup! And then I'm here again, blogging.

Yey. Talk about a happily productive day.

Choir VP Kenneth told us that one of the reasons we held the supper is that it's gonna be a crazy month ahead, and we needed to enjoy ourselves before the wild days come. Hah, as if preparing the supper wasn't stressful enough! ;)

But really, February is jampacked with events. Aside from the onset of deadlines of papers and assignments, there's my birthday, Chinese New Year, V-day (this isn't stressful actually since there's virtually nothing to do for me), the Esplanade Lei Yu performance, the Varsity Voices Concert, on top of almost-daily cheering chores for KR. And oh yeah, I just got a tickets to the KR bash! Clubbing finally!

I hope today's an indication of what's to come for the month. Stressful and jampacked, yes, but at the end of the day, it feels damn goooood.

Music of the moment: Safri Duo's Baya Baya
Currently feeling accomplished.