..something that i've been reading got me grinning. for some reason. XD <-one of my new favorite smileys i got from falqi. =P

i wouldn't blog BLOG since i have an overdue physics lab due tomorrow morning, and a math assignment due in the afternoon. but in a nutshell, i'm amazed at this online verbal sparring that wayne and i recently engaged ourselves in. no, we don't chat in msn lately, we spar in a way more characteristic to both of us. through, what else? our blogs and tagboards.

i think it should be hilarious by the way.
but i think only those who've read my latest blogs and his latest blogs, and those who've been curious enough to scroll through my tagboard and his chatterbox would find the humor in it.

he gave a good jab this time, even devoting two blog entries (in one day) to rebutt my statements,
and i shall rebutt his rebuttals (too much posterior in that phrase too..lol) when i'm less busy.

i heard from korinna that ferron noticed that we've been discreetly firing at each other for the past days, and that he(ferron) is wondering why wayne and i act "normal" when in person.

oh well. for details of this crazy exchange of whatnots, go to wayne's blog, read his "rebuttals" entry and the few before that, read his chatterbox, and of course, read my subtle references in my most recently-published blogs (although there are some too in even earlier entries) and check out my tagboard as well.

but really, it's all good. no big boxing match, i tell you. peace naman.

oh, with utmost sincerity, i must tell wayne, HAPPY BIRTHDAY tomorrow! XD