i read somewhere that when conversing with people, especially those you meet for the first time, don't talk about 1) politics, 2) something i forgot, and 3) religion.

apparently, these are stuff that are "sensitive", so to speak, and thus i have been careful to talk about those things only in the company of GOOD friends, or i just talk with people in general about political slash religious stuff with utmost caution, free from blatant opinions and firm biases. i found it's best to keep an open mind, and even better, if the person you're conversing with similarly keeps his mind un-closed.

anyway, as the internet seems to bolster the interconnectedness of assorted um, stuff, i was surfing again this afternoon when links led to this and that and that and finally this. anyway, i'll expound.

i was downloading music files again, and then i realized, i didn't already have 5 candles by jars of clay yet, when i thought i had it in my musicbulk folder.

a search for jars of clay led to a string of christian songs which included collaborations with caedmon's call and sixpence none the richer, which i downloaded.

[oh, i should tell you now. this blog's about religion and faith. proceed if you want.]

anyway, i thought, are caedmon's call and jars of clay catholic bands?
(maybe i was blessed by the christian (not catholic though) music in the church concert of wayne, kor, ivy, and jeunesse which i attended yesterday.)
i mean, i know it's not much of a deal whether they're catholic or not, but it sure any fact about them would add some texture to the beautiful songs they sing.

i searched and searched, and although it wasn't EXPLICITLY stated, i think jars of clay and caedmon's call, are catholic*. or maybe not. maybe it doesn't even matter. but i know that catholic sites mention them i.e. joint tour to catholic universites and colleges, mentions of them in catholic groups' homepages, favorite music of religious guys etc..

i learned too, from my searching, that mel gibson, the director and producer of the passion of the christ, is catholic, and so is jim caviezel, the guy who plays Jesus.

i must mention though, that they do not go around and proclaim themselves as catholic to promote their movie, as jim mentions in interviews. jim's a devout catholic, but he wishes to be noted in the movie as an actor, and not because of his personal faith.

anyway, i continued my search for catholic bands, and soon i came upon this site .

it's about being a catholic. it's about being a teenager.
and yes, it made me pull out my dusty long-unused bible from the shelf.

there is an interesting section that's about the faith, and it proved to be an interesting read.

this is just me in reflective mode. i am not imposing anything or trying to persuade anyone. i've just been spiritually blessed by reading something from the net. this doesn't mean though, that i TOTALLY agree with everything that the catholic church says, especially with its stance on certain issues, but i guess it's safe to say that i TRY to be a good boy.

it's actually feels great that for once, i found something really worthwhile in the crazy clutter that is the internet.

if it's significant in any way, here's some random info.
my dad is an ex-seminarian, meaning he ALMOST became a priest.
a group of them felt "they weren't ready" for ordination, so a bunch of them backed out. then he met my mom.
my mom is a guidance counselor, who takes up masteral units on theology and the like.

but mind you, our home is not exactly what you'd call pure and perfect and heavenly.
just the typical, thank you very much.

so much for the backgrounder.

*wayne, who i sincerely believe is a CSI agent in the making (that's his favorite show too), told me that, based on his research, jars of clay aren't catholic christian. some are lutheran, augustinian, and others, but none roman catholic. shouldn't matter really, right?
but thanks for the info wayne. and for reading my posts almost as soon as they're published. ;)