Charles, a friend from the NUS Choir, messaged me again. He's been messaging me almost everytime he catches me on MSN. And it's the same old thing. He complains about how stressed he is. It's either he's ranting about how tough it is to be in Med School, how sucky his tests were, or how his practices for the Singapore Youth Choir's Christmas Concert have turned out really bad and how he hasn't memorized the Polish and Italian songs and how poor the ticket sales are.
Just now, he messaged to tell me about his, in his own words, "same ol' whining". He's overwhelmed that the concert is in two weeks' time, and how next week will be packed with rehearsals and practices every single day.
Charles, as much as I'd like to help you cheer up, I'm afraid I'm getting tired of saying the same cheer-up-you'll-figure-something-out lines over and over again. They were sincere, trust me, and they still are, but I'm running out of positive energy I think you'd have to find new sources to dispel your negative vibe.
I was feeling a little touchy today, even if I had a good overdose of sleep, and I'm not sure why. Perhaps today was just the day that my saturation point was reached, when I could no longer afford any more drama or any extra tolerance for unpleasant remarks (however half-meant). I cannot be a shock absorber for too long.
Even the Amazing Race failed to cheer me up.
Still, there are a few bright spots. Karen and I are okay now (I think), I was able to help Jay out with his research through our YM chat, I read a few pages of Dickens' A Christmas Carol, I finally applied for a debit card at DBS bank (yey I'm gonna get a Mastercard!), I was able to send this important email, I did some laundry and cleaned my room a bit, and I got a big bag of relief goods a.k.a. left-over goods (noodles, chips, chocolate, biscuits) from the Atenean exchange students who've just left (Thanks Arthur!).
See, I told you I'd be productive somehow. Doesn't make feel any less touchy though. But that's okay, we'll see what happens after a good night's sleep. As the Brothers Grimm say, morning is wiser than evening. Good night!
Music of the Moment: Rivermaya's Shiver
Currently feeling irritable, but maybe I'm just sleepy.