The right approach

The right approach

Thanks to the infamous CORS module-bidding system of NUS, I've experienced the wonders that the right approach can do in appealing for a module. The module I want to take this sem is ST2131: Probability, and strictly speaking, I'm not licensed to take it just yet.

Approach #1: The Polite I-Really-Need-It-Pleeeeease Approach

Appeal No : 200520033172
Appeal Type : Waiver of Module Pre-requisites Co-requisites
Module : ST2131 - PROBABILITY
Appeal Reason : I wish to apply for Computational Finance after my first year, and to do this I must take ST2131 (Probability) this sem. I mistakenly did not take the prerequisite, MA1102R (Calculus), in Sem 1 because I wrongly thought that ST1131 will suffice. In any case, I have already taken both MA1301 and MA1306 (in a bridging course last year), which also discuss Calculus. May I request that I take MA1102R and ST2131 concurrently then? Thank you.

Approve Authority : -


At this point I was about to give up on it, but Arthur suggested I re-appeal and try a different approach. (Angas, btw, means a bit cocky.)

Approach #2: The Angas Approach

Appeal No : 200520034814
Appeal Type : Waiver of Module Pre-requisites Co-requisites
Module : ST2131 - PROBABILITY
Appeal Reason : I have taken MA1306 so i think i have the necessary knowledge to take up ST2131. I request that I be able to take MA1102R and ST2131 as co-requisites. After all, MA1306 and MA1102R preclude each other. This is also so I can read the qualifying modules to apply for Computational Finance after this semester. Thanks.

Approve Authority : Prof Chua Tin Chiu


I'm ecstatic my appeal was approved! And although this promises to be a killer module, I'm glad I still have a shot at Computational Finance as ST2131 is one of the qualifying modules. Thanks a lot to Arthur for suggesting I re-appeal and try his angas approach!