Decisions, decisions

Decisions, decisions

Yey, new year's finally here!

So there I was, in my Lola S's place, waiting for the clock to strike midnight, but oddly, I didn't feel so excited about the new year. I remember being so excited about the new year, that I repeatedly practised writing the numeral of the new year on imaginary paper, just so I wouldn't commit those silly errors in actual writing. But this time, it was more of a surprise of sorts, with me feeling, "Oh, is it New Year already?"

Must be the news. Let's pray for the tsunami victims. Depresses the hell out of me when I think about it. And must be because of too much thinking too, about stuff.

Anyway, I just came from Kidapawan, from a quick but nice visit to my Lola C's place, and now I'm back online to bid for my modules. It's a monster, this CORS system of NUS, but so far I'm not getting too lost just yet. Thanks to Arthur for helping me around.

I realize that I have some major decisions to make regarding my course in NUS. I thought the battle was between Statistics and Computational Finance, and for a while I thought Statistics had won, but now I'm seeing a whole lot of options once again. So Computational Finance MIGHT just open its doors to me (that is if the CF Department grants my request to take St2131: Probability this sem) , and of course Statistics is always an option (I've come to like it). But suddenly this minor in English Studies is coming into the picture (yey), my Dad's suggestion to take up something business-related to complement the "more academic rather than practical" Stats has made me reconsider a bit too, and with Arthur's suggestion, I might just consider jacking up my Statistics into Statistics with concentration in Biostatistics.

Lotta mumbo jumbo there. I'm still thinking about it. And as Five for Fighting say, I don't know where I'm going yet, but I sure am getting there. Precisely!

Music of the Moment: Five for Fighting's Easy Tonight
Currently feeling hungry! Must get home quick! :D