i sure am glad today is april fools' day.

no i don't think it's a day so festive and colorful i'd go running around naked in the well-leaf-vacuumed roads of NUS, but this day is more than enough reason to suspend belief, the perfect excuse to dismiss stuff i don't really want to know.

tuk said over dinner that she was dieting, brice teased that she didn't need to, as she's cute the way she is, and tuk responds by saying it's april fools'. diana says ivy came to her room and asked if she(diana) could accompany her to the abortion room in NUH (nat'l univ hospital). diana was getting herself dressed, when ivy says it's april fools.

well today fate has been joking, and it seemed as if i was its favorite target.
but it's okay. because it's april fools'.

ivy and korinna's supposed joke on me backfired on them, so that went good. haha!